It has been so long…

It has been a while since my last post, I am still playing games and collecting as always but holidays, busy season at work and a combination of newfound family and others who have moved much closer have kept our family occupied. My brother now lives close by so the long-promised podcast may see the light of day in the coming months, I am excited about this!

I also found technical issue getting in the way of my updates, my iPhone X is on the latest revision of IOS which uses a high efficiency or HEIF image format, unfortunately for me, I found that my Mac which is still running El Capitan to be incompatible with the format. ./facepalm

But now that I have worked around that kerfuffle, I wanted to get another post up with my acquisitions since the last post, many from around Christmas time. You will see a heavy Nintendo influence as the Switch continues to knock the releases out of the park, Monster Boy amongst those being one of my favorites. So difficult!!

amiibo and Totaku continue to keep trickling in, amiibo are “easy mode” for collecting these days but Totaku is worse than they were in every way, no release dates and constant delays make collecting these more hassle than they are worth in my opinion which is why I will bow out of things shortly unless a particular figure catches my eye. That said, given Gamestops financial issues might the series be doomed for cancellation?

On the streaming front my interest in micro computers, specifically the Raspberry Pi will send me down the road of using that as my platform of choice for my streaming needs, the combination of Volumio and Cherry Music should be the perfect combination for what I do, my current Pi setup using Pihole has been amazing for network wide ad blocking so looking forward to this next low power computing project!

June – 2018

Another delayed post, what can I say? Lots of games being played and movies being watched as of late.

Current games on my playlist include,

  • Kingdom Hearts 1.5 – PS4
  • Forza Horizon 3 – PC/Xbox One
  • World of Warcraft: Legion – PC

Picked up this HD remake so that I can work on 1 & 2 before 3 releases next year. As a huge fan of both Square & Disney, these games are a perfect match for me.

Everything Toad & Toadette is amazing and loved in our house, this is a remake sure but with extra stages and an upgrade in graphics from 720P to 1080P, this amazingly fun and creative game was a must.

If a love for Toadette needed further proof this is the set of pictures hanging in our game room next to my wives computer desk, if you love the style the set and others like it can be purchased at the following Etsy shop.

The latest amiibo releases include both Pearl and Marina from Splatoon 2!

The latest Totaku releases and the one I missed at launch including Hunter, Lemmings, Watcher & the AG-SYS.

A batch of Disney movies to round things out, we recently joined the Disney Movie Club so that we can get caught up on all of the Disney classics and some of the newer hits that we enjoy.

You can get 5 movies for $1 and have 2 years to complete the membership requirements. With Disney’s lineup of movies along with Marvel and Star Wars franchises available it was a great deal for us. If interested in the 5 movies for $1.00 deal please use the following link,

Disclaimer: I get 2-movies for each signup using the link so make sure you ask me any questions you may have and read up on the details.

One of my missing Disney Infinity figures and a Fix it Felix!

 Louie, Dewey, and Huey!

Jasmine from Aladin and Mr. Rogers Pops!

Recent acquisitions

I recently picked up both Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (Funky Mode) and Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero Ultimate Edition (Includes the OST) for the Nintendo Switch!

No time to play either yet but looking forward to getting into these two in the future, in the short term I may get the HD remakes of Kingdom Hearts for the PS4 ahead of Kingdom Hearts III’s release.


February, March and April…

My last post to the blog was on January 1st so while I have been busily posting to both Instagram and Twitter it is quite clear that I have been negligent of my blogging duties.

And while the blog posts have been slow the goings-on in the background have not been with a new server being setup and configured for the audio stream, please feel free to let me know via my social media accounts if you would like to hear a particular games music as I generally just play random 8/16-bit stuff or if I am digging something particular that gets put on heavy rotation for awhile.

In addition to that I have been making slow plans to develop out a podcast as the mic purchase below shows, the delay will be a bit longer as my co-host prepares to move over the course of the next month. In addition to this we may also start providing streams of game play though the podcast will be my personal priority.

On to the acquisition pictures below with descriptions included as needed.

The most recent Nintendo toys from McDonald’s, this batch was one of my least favorite with some being almost pointless from a “toy” standpoint and others being downright creepy looking.

The above is the latest batch of Pokemon toys from McDonald’s, a pretty solid group of toys and much much better than the Nintendo offering.

I finally managed to snag some Nintendo Cereal with the amiibo functionality, we actually picked up 4 boxes with one going to my mom and another to be used for a micro amiibo cereal custom!

3 of the 6 Japan exclusive Monster Hunter amiibo, I plan to grab the other 3 and the Boxy Boy amiibo that were exclusive to the country to complete the entire set of current amiibo.

Family game night with Gamer Edition Monopoly!

Some extra figures for the above Monopoly set.

Detective Pikachu amiibo next to Bowser for a size comparison, quite the large amiibo!

Kirby Star Allies and a proper Kirby plushy that matches the theme, I am currently about a quarter ways through the game and have enjoyed it quite a bit so far.

The Japan exclusive Super Mario Odyssey soundtrack, fantastic in every way as this is possibly the best Nintendo soundtrack ever. This has me much more interested in these Japanese soundtracks and my plans are to grab the recently released BOTW and Splatoon 2 OST’s.

While at one of the Disney World resorts I found a Wreck it Ralph penny machine at the Arcade, not a huge fan of “penny smashers” but considering the theme I had to get one of each.

Some updated pictures of my two Ikea Detolf cabinets and acrylic risers, while they mostly contain amiibo the newer cabinet also includes my limited Disney Infinity collection and the new Totaku Figures.

A couple of classic GameBoy pickups!

Amazon had this on sale for dirt cheap, it had recently been out of print with prices going way up at the time so it made sense to grab what many consider to be the best game in the series at a low price with the latest re-print.

I finally hung up the Nintendo NYC exclusive Zelda 3D art cell prints, eventually I will grab the missing few.

The new Yeti mic sounds amazing in tests, it should provide a solid base for the podcast.

A random shot from my latest gaming obsession, Forza Horizon 3. I grabbed the digitally recently and being able to play it on my PC or Xbox One S on the same cloud save is a great user experience.

The recent launch of Totaku figures has been interesting, I  am missing the Bloodborne Hunter figure but was lucky to get the figures I have so far due to this being a Gamestop exclusive line and so far having a very limited release run.

The line is neither video game or Sony exclusive as the Sea of Thieves figure above and the announced Blue Eyes White Dragon figure show, that said past the initial window I will restrict purchases to just the game franchises I care about.

I pulled my original M.U.S.C.L.E. figures down from the closet and thought it would be fun to start sharing pictures of them on social media, a bit of digging shown that there is still a following online for these old things.

After years of looking for one in the wild I finally picked up the Black Sports Dreamcast model from my local gaming shop, it is dirty but in great shape!

A Classic 1991 Ultimate (fat) Sonic figure that was released by Tomy through GameStop, my favorite Sonic variety and the base holds swappable hands, faces and items such as rings and a chili dog!

I asked my brother in law to do a custom Sanic rock painting and he delivered in epic fashion! Those googly eyes!!

New LED lights for my second display cabinet, while these are not very bright it does add some much needed light to the display when you are in the mood to show the figures off.

I spent some time a few weeks ago cleaning up the panel and screen/glass of my old Fighters History arcade cabinet and recorded some random auto play footage just for kicks. Under the inch of dust is an old arcade monitor that still looks great though a rebuild and mild degauss are in order.